Monday, December 3, 2007

Curio: locating and assembling

I have located a site for the next iteration of my machine, and have begun to design and assemble the proscenium for the installation.

The proscenium is an insulated wooden cabinet, matching the area of a door frame. The door I have located opens onto the outside. The proscenium frames both interior and exterior surfaces of the site. Withing the depth of the proscenium is an insulated wall. The wall defines a new break between what is on one side of the cabinet, and what is on its other. The proscenium will be installed so that the existing door can be opened and closed without damage to it or the installation.

The proscenium is a technical tool too. It will hold up the technology of the installation: hanging du Still, fixing lights, sound, microphones, etc... The proscenium embodies the content of the project: a cabinet of curiosities.

1 comment:

Marnie Gartrell said...

hey.. it looks like your work is really progressing. good for you. I'm interested to see the new "door".