Friday, November 2, 2007

BEAST: 'V' is for valve, 'W' is for wand

A. 3 foot tube with 9 holes, Gregory Rubin 01.11.07

As part of exploring the control and shape of steam, I have gone through a couple of interrations of steam wand length, no. of punctures and shape. In the first case (A & B) I kept the rod straight and punctured at four centimeter intervals nine one-point-five millimeter diameter holes, all in the same direction. In the second case, I increased the number of punctures to 24, (the entire length of the tub), then bent it into a ring shape (C & D).

B. 3 foot long tube with 9 holes, Gregory Rubin 01.11.07

C. 1 foot diameter ring with 24 holes, Gregory Rubin 01.11.07

D. detail of 1 foot diameter ring with 24 holes, beast with ring wand, hole details, tub cutter, Gregory Rubin 01.11.07

The location of participant relative to light and steam machine is crucial to the experience of the beast. There is a celestial like relationship physical between light, steam and participant which needs to be constantly changing and moving in space (think of the relationship between the sun, the moon and the earth). Even after the beast is activated and steam pours from its opening, we light to and proximity to machine to feel its textures, its potential concreteness. Depending on where we stand relative to these two other sources, the steams visibility will range from invisible to visible, and within the steam visibility range, appear coloured, or perhaps neutral. Previously, I enquired as to how the machine changes atmosphere. Steam and heat are my two sources for changing the space. This exploration is ongoing, but now I want to add the following: how do we become more dynamic participants, actuators and sensors as the environmental conditions change? How does the machine draws us, the participant through the space, during the process of environmental activation? What are the ways for registering the changes in heat and humidity in space.the changes in space?

I also need to find a better way of bending my tubes!

Steam, Light and Participant Triumverate

Humidity and heat sensors are a couple of tools which could prove very useful. What would the collected data tell me about the space in which the machine exists and a activates? How might I relay this collected data back to the machine, so that it uses the information to change the way it activates the space?

Another tool that I am looking to integrate into the beast system are muscle wire activated air valves. I would like to place the air valve within the path of the steam tube wands. Muscle wire is activated by electric current. This eletro-mechanical actuator could replace the current mechanical valves I have in place. The circuitry could be connected to the Arduino, and a program to actuate the valve.

Mechanical Valve or the Electro-Mechanical Valve. choices? choices!

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