Saturday, October 13, 2007

Delightful Beast Makers: Jean-Pierre Gauthier and Arthur Ganson

Drawing Shadows

Jean-Pierre Gauthier's Marqueurs d'Incertitude is the latest work to appear in the Architecture II Gallery. A group of three mechanized "bugs", each attracted to its own wall, are made to move up and down, back and forth, according to some very simple mechanics and motors simply assembled and delightfully integrated into the aesthetic of the wiry but fresh and playful curves and colours of the bugs, which are themselves drawing machines, each fitted with one or two sticks of conte and smudge sticks scribbling, smudging and scratching at the surface of the walls.

Over the course of hours and days, layers of soft conte lines build up one next to the other, one on top of the other. What becomes apparent from the collection of minute affectations on the stark white wall surface is a large and complex tracing of the minutia of the wall surface, "its history", brought to the surface as one drawing but still evolving as long as the bugs keep flailing about.

We got the chance to meet with Jean-Pierre before the opening. He gave an introduction to his method of making these
marqueurs, as well as some tips for our own Studio work: how we could use motors, gears, and approach the making of "beasts" with a degree of simplicity and single focus.

Seeing his work was part of a series of introductions to other artists working in the same genre of playful machine making. A few days earlier we watched a film of Arthur Gandson's work, "A Few Machines". It was the first time I had seen his skillfully assembled metal cranks and gizmos, and I found it all delightful. I would love to show this to my very young cousins - I think they would get such a kick out of his inventions!

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